DATE: Wednesday 3/19/25 – starting at approx. 9:00 AM
BLDGS: Stanford School of Medicine 1050 Arastradero A&B
AGENCY: Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health
FOCUS: Containerization and segregation of solid medical waste and sharps disposal
PLEASE SEE BELOW. Some of the most commonly cited items are related to open or improperly labeled medical waste and sharps containers. Please ensure that all biohazard and sharps containers are closed when not in use. This includes the reusable sharps containers as well; the lid should be pushed closed but NOT locked.

- Review the inspection checklist at to be sure your area is meeting the regulatory requirements for Medical Waste and Sharps:
- As a reminder, the University “Biohazardous and Medical Waste Disposal Guideline” Poster is available at:
I will be walking the labs prior to the County inspection and I will communicate to you issues I find but let me know if you would like to join me in the lab pre-walk.
Thank you for keeping the SoM safe and compliant!